Thursday, August 28, 2008

Retro Sounds

These guys are the newest edition to my iPod. Why? Because the Rock Out Loud in all their synthesizer glory. If I was a woman I would totally throw my panties at them…

I don’t believe it

There is a God and he/she/it/they do not like spam! I’m not speaking of the delicious mystery meat here people…oh no no, God TOTALLY LOVES Spam, but he/she/it/they don’t like the constant annoyance of jackasses around the world filling my comment section with their jackassery. How do I know of this supreme beings existence? Easy, someone out there had the idea to create a plugin for WordPress (who formats this mighty creation otherwise known as that will automatically sort all incomming comments into spam and not spam categories for me…all I can say is Thank God for this person and their wonderful ideas…

Now if someone could just come up with more ways for me to torment Wife with that lovely Spam…mmmm good!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Over the weekend Wife and I had to head back to northern Utah to check on the house…

And yes, it’s STILL forsale. Freaking economy is killing me…but I digress

While we were there we hit the local Wendy’s for a quick lunch, much to my own distaste for that chain.  It seems that I’ve been put on the Wendy’s black list. I don’t know what wrong I must have committed in my prior transactions with this company but over the past few years it has become oh so clear that they were out to screw me. Nothing major mind you but enough for me to constantly say “what the hell is their problem?” It seemed like everytime I attempted to do business with this chain they would screw up my order. Nothing major but everytime it was the same thing. I would munch happily on a few fries and then go to take that first sip of my Coke only to find that it’s a blastidly horrid Diet Coke. That is just wrong my friends. This whole metality of diet soda’s is asinine, I mean common. A: you’re tricking your body into believing it’s recieving something that it’s not, which then throws your body into insuline shock and causes you to eat or drink even more than if you had just had the real thing to start with. And B: it tastes like you’re licking the bottom of your shoe with a battery in your mouth. Diet drinks are a scam and should be outlawed. Then to offer these beverages at a fast food resturaunt is laughable. I don’t care who you are and what you think you’re ordering…if you’re eating at these establishments on a regular basis a diet soda is not going to correct the real issues here. That’s like the whole mentality of “I can have that 1200 calorie piece of cake because I’m going to have a diet soda with it” ASININE! But I digress…again!

The miracle is that on this round when I took my first sip of soda…HALLE FREAKIN LUJAH
they got it right. The first time that I have EVER and I’m not exagerating here folks…the VERY FIRST TIME that I have visited this location did they get my drink correct…but I can’t claim too much of a victory here because they did screw up Wife’s order…oh well, at least in this round I finally won one…

I know I know

I said I was opening comments in my last post but I forgot to click that one little button over there…so sue me…They’re open now so you can just shadup…

Friday, August 15, 2008


Are you Sarah Connor? Yeah it’s that kind of scary…

Holy Hell Batman

It’s been nearly a month since my last post…what the hell is wrong with me?

Yes I suck…totally suck big monkey balls because I haven’t posted anything since the 22nd of July. I don’t have an excuse, nor am I going to make an attempt at coming up with one. So there!

I have also decided to change my stance on comments. I know that I had such a huge disdain over the constant deluge of penis enlargement and Viagra spams that I kinda blew a gasket, but I’ve since lighted up and decided to say what the fuck. I have a mass delete button and I’m not afraid to use it, so bring it on!

Where I haven’t posted for a while I decided to bring out the big guns and give you all special treat in my daily find. If you have yet to watch it you should…and trust me it’s S C A R Y and I mean S C A R Y as in terminator I’m looking for Sarah Connor scary…